SAP GUI ALV Grid: Background color of the disabled checkbox cell is different from the background color of other disabled cells., note 3125544
SAP GUI ALV Grid Control : Unable to select multiple cells after pressing CTRL + Y., note 3126570 SAP ALV Grid Control: Application is not getting the last cell of the last row's modified data., note 3128408 Personas: Original screen / elements not shown in case of error during tab merge, note 2616923 Personas script execution leads to hang, note 3138309 SAP GUI F4 Amodal control : F4-Help result dialog width is too big., note 3155272Įnhanced search converted Georgian characters to question marks by mistake, note 3127801 SAP GUI Desktop Office Integration: Providing a configuration option to activate/deactivate the locking mechanism for the header and footer values in the Microsoft Word application, note 3107620ĮH&S WWI: Graphics in tables are not reduced in size, note 3147967 The text is cut off while copying to clipboard, note 3148006ĮH&S WWI: Grafiken in Tabellen werden nicht verkleinert, note 3147967ĮSC key does not work on Dialogbox Container, note 3150496 Personas: Position issues inside scrollable subscreen after roundtrip, note 3145589 SAP UI Landscape include URLs containing special characters loaded not correctly, note 3115190 SAP Logon (Pad): Registry key \"LastSelectedNodeKey\" (HKLM) does not work according to Note 2336740 in combination with Workspace View, note 3117652
This happens when a user sets the year from higher to lower range in date picker control., note 3137025 SAP GUI Calendar Control: SAP GUI crashes in Belize and higher themes.
SAP GUI ALV Grid: While drag and drop the selected cell, other cells are also getting selected., note 3129712 Therefore they may not be "Released to Customer" yet.)ĭescription of system entry is not shown, note 3095875Įnhanced search: A wrong field filled in by mistake, note 3125357 (Please note that some of the corrections, which are mentioned in the SAP Notes listed below, are currently in validation phase. The corrections will be shipped within the upcoming SAP GUI patch.
This Knowledge Base Article lists all known and open issues of the latest available SAP GUI for Windows Patch.